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Multi-Arts Camp: Ages 8-9

Ignite your child's artistic potential in a summer art camp that fosters skill development and creativity by exploring diverse materials in a stimulating environment. Students draw inspiration from the renowned Art Institute of Chicago, local architecture, public art, and current events as they develop skills across multiple mediums, including drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpting, and mixed media. Additionally, they enhance their critical thinking, time management, and problem-solving abilities in a fun, safe, and nurturing environment. Projects foster personal expression and collaborative skills while introducing students to contemporary and historical art. Each session has a unique focus, ensuring that students who enroll in multiple sessions will experience entirely new studio projects every time.

Register by noon on Monday, July 28th, 2025


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Course media image
Course start date
Course end date
Class meeting time 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Class meeting days Monday - Friday
Building and room 280 Building Rm 125
Course number 1016
Course instructor Kris Derek Hechevarria

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