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Twist - Degree Course

This class investigates the properties of the elemental act of twisting raw materials into pliable linear elements. Students learn to spin and ply--using drop spindles and wheels--and to extend elements through rope making and various splicing techniques. Building on this foundation, students manipulate these fibrous elements into 2- and 3-dimensional forms as well as exploring expressive possibilities, and the limits of materials and structures. Topics for reading and discussion include the development of spinning and textile production, the social and economic histories of labor, historic and contemporary art examples of spun and structured fiber, and current cultural interests in reclaiming the handmade. Course work includes reading responses, participation in discussions, assembling a set of samples, reporting on research and 3 studio projects.

3.0 College Credits

Registration for this course is closed.

Course media image
Frame Loom Weaving
Course start date
Course end date
Class meeting time 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Class meeting days Monday, Friday
Building and room SP902
Course number 1164
Course instructor Jerry Bleem

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